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Google and AI-generated content - Capital Advertising

Written by Capital Advertising | 10 oktober 2023 9:15:00 Z

In the age of digital innovation we live in, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for content creation is increasingly popular. From automatic text fills to fully machine-generated articles, the possibilities seem endless. But how does Google see this development? Will websites that use AI-generated content be penalised by the search giant? In this article, we look into it.

Google's position on AI-generated content
To begin with, Google does not have an explicit position stating that content generated by AI is necessarily bad or undesirable. What Google does emphasise is the value of high-quality, relevant and useful content for the end user. In theory, if AI-generated content meets these criteria, there is no reason why it should be negative for your performance in search results.

Potential problems with AI-generated content
Nevertheless, there are certain areas of concern when using AI content. First of all, it is important to pay close attention to whether your content is of high quality and relevant. While AI is powerful, it can sometimes produce content that is not really relevant or meaningful to readers. Google's algorithms are designed to value high-quality information. Content that does not meet this standard can rank lower.

Secondly, the originality of your content is important. This is because Google values content that is unique. When many other websites use the same AI tools, it can produce similar content. As a result, Google ranks your content lower in originality, which does not help your SEO score.

Finally, user interaction matters. If visitors notice that the content does not feel human or authentic and they quickly click away as a result, this increases the bounce rate. This is another factor that Google interprets as a sign of low quality.

Best practices for using AI in content creation
So, how can you best deal with these potential problems? AI can be hugely valuable for your content creation. It's a shame not to make use of it. By following these simple steps, your AI content will remain high quality (and therefore Google happy):

  • Always provide a human review after your content has been created by AI. This way, you use AI tools as a complement to human effort, not as a complete replacement. This way, you guarantee that the content is high quality and relevant.
  • Avoid plagiarism. Make sure the generated content is unique and not simply repeating pieces of existing content.
  • Add value for your target audience. If you tell little or nothing new, it is better to expand and hone your content until it does.

Getting blogs written by ChatGPT: smart or not?
While the technology behind AI is evolving rapidly, it is important to remember that the basic principles of content creation remain the same. The goal of Google and other search engines is to provide users with the best and most relevant content. So if your AI-generated content can provide this value and meet the guidelines, you are smart. As is often the case with AI, the key to success is in how you use it.