At Capital Advertising, we have more than three decades of experience in creating engaging audiovisual presentations and interactive formats. We have applied our expertise in various projects, including television and cinema commercials, trade show and conference demonstrations, games, social media visuals, product photography, websites with audiovisual elements, course programmes and large-scale film screenings.

The power of images
An image often says more than a thousand words. A message comes through better when it captures the imagination. Photo and video are therefore perhaps the most important components of a strong campaign. We are very aware of this. Over the years, we have created striking campaigns in which photos and videos played the leading role for renowned clients such as S. Coifman, Invicta USA, TechnoMarine and Glycine.

In addition, we realise that images determine the overall look and feel of your brand or product. Thus, we see product and mood photography as essential components that should not be skipped when designing a new website. And not only for a new website or webshop, but also for your social media feed, e-mails or advertisements, for example.

Professional and perfectionist
Photography is an art. But it is also a skill. Proper lighting, position and technique always require a professional. At Capital Advertising, we don't take this lightly. That is why we have a complete camera team and on-site image editing facilities during photo shoots. An example is the annual Invicta Cruise to the Bahamas, where we take care of the photography, video shoots and social media posts all directly on location.

Everything under one roof
We have all photo and video disciplines under one roof. Strategy, creation and technology work closely together here. Text and image reinforce each other, so the message is not only conveyed, but also appeals and sticks. This working method has already attracted many clients to 's-Hertogenbosch.

Invicta Skyline

Invicta Invincible in

At Capital Advertising, we are proud of our long-standing and fruitful partnership with Invicta Watch Group, one of the world's strongest-growing watch brands. What started as an exciting challenge to create a corporate campaign grew into numerous special projects around the world. Over the past eight years, we have completed countless projects for Invicta Watch Group. From Baselworld to the Bahamas, from Miss Piggy to Star Wars. We take you on a journey through some of our most remarkable achievements with Invicta.

It all started with a bold vision. Invicta Watch Group, with almost 200 years of watchmaking experience, had never before launched a large-scale corporate campaign. The team at Capital Advertising knew we had to create something exceptional. After extensive brainstorming sessions with Invicta's marketing team at their headquarters in Miami and with us in familiar 's-Hertogenbosch, the theme 'Invincible in Detail' emerged.


Invicta's SEC Magazine

Runs like

Invicta is one of the fastest-growing watch brands in the world. With hundreds of new releases and collaborations every month, developments follow each other at a rapid pace. Content abounds. Which is why SEC Magazine is published once a year. A bulky book in which the annual highlights are bundled and creatively highlighted. Capital Advertising handles the complete production for the Miami-based company, including editing, copy and design. The fourth edition was presented in February 2023.

"What started as an out-of-print magazine for Invicta fans has now become a fundamental part of the brand identity. SEC Magazine is distributed only to key relations and collectors and can rightly be called a collector's item."

Invicta Sec Magazine inside NFL horloges

Radboud Report Oncology

Insights, innovations and collaboration
against cancer

Radboud Report Oncology is a publication of the Radboudumc Centre for Oncology, developed in collaboration with Capital Advertising. The magazine, aimed at both medical professionals and interested parties outside the field, highlights the latest developments in cancer research and treatments.

From the first editorial meeting to the final distribution, Capital Advertising plays an active role. This includes conducting engaging interviews, taking care of photography, writing texts and creating a visually appealing layout that perfectly matches the desired look.

medic specialist Radboudumc
Discipline Taxperience


Don't act standard. Set the standard

Get a tax and notary office. And make it different from all the others. Taxperience from Den Bosch hasn't been so standard for years. The team at Capital Advertising gave them a corporate identity to match that look. With iconic figures, vibrant colours and a new pay-off.

Let's start with that new pay-off: Don't act standard. Set the standard. A combination of the previous slogan 'not so standard' and Taxperience's ambition to do better than everyone else in the industry. In other words: to not conform to the standard, but to set a new standard itself.

Anyone who steps into Taxperience's office will see that this is not just a statement. It is a promise. With art on the wall, a statue of a monkey in the middle of the office and a team willing to always go the extra mile, the Bossche tax organisation shows that they are truly different from their industry peers.


Trust the process

I am here to nurture your leads

Ideo can predict maintenance with Intelligent Asset Management. We also made marketing IAM predictable. Ideo is the market leader in improving service and maintenance processes in SAP. The company came up with something new, namely Intelligent Asset Management: the next step in improving maintenance processes. To successfully market this new SAP suite, Ideo engaged Capital Advertising. A challenge that called for a well-thought-out marketing plan with new processes. But how do you improve the processes of a process specialist?

I am here
Ideo's IAM suite responds to a need that many of its potential buyers are not yet aware of. Important elements in the marketing strategy are therefore: recognisability, competence and trust.

Ideo content

Be inspired by the Caps magazine

We will be happy to send it to you

Expertise in every field



A thoughtful and powerful campaign makes a difference, brings a brand to life and exceeds all goals. Instead of just an idea, we work with you to create a master plan for your brand.

Data & Technology

Marketing has long ceased to be just about creativity. The key to success lies in using data and technology to gain a deeper understanding of the target audience and turning this into effective strategies.

Social media

Today's social media landscape is dynamic and ever-changing. Whether it is organic content distribution or paid ads, we have the expertise to make your brand shine.

& Marketplaces

The shift from traditional to online shopping is a long-running trend. It is crucial to capitalise on this and create a strong online presence through an optimised webshop. But that is only the beginning.


The marketer who haphazardly sends thousands of emails and push notifications is quickly labelled a spammer. Fortunately, things can also be smarter and more personal. Marketing automation offers the solution.

Sports marketing

For decades, we have associated our name with the world's greatest athletes and sports organisations. We do so with a shared commitment to top performance. The goal is always the same, the playing field different.

Corporate identity & design

The power of visual storytelling cannot be underestimated. Our creative studio is the beating heart of our agency, where designers immerse themselves in a wide range of challenging assignments.


Gamification is a crucial tool for businesses. You can stand out from your competitors, entertain your potential customers and achieve your marketing goals at the same time.


An image often says more than a thousand words. A message comes through better when it captures the imagination. Photo and video are therefore perhaps the most important components of a strong campaign. We are very aware of this.