Waterschap Aa en Maas
Online grant
Huge growth in grant applications
Inform and inspire with online marketing
The weather is becoming more extreme. In our own province of North Brabant, we increasingly have to deal with flooding during times of heavy precipitation, but also with desiccation during heat waves. It is therefore of great importance that we collectively retain more rainwater. Green initiatives such as green roofs, green facades and rain barrels will help.

To encourage these green initiatives, Waterschap Aa en Maas has created a new grant scheme: the subsidy for climate-proof measures. Residents who propose a green initiative in the built environment can receive up to 30% - and some exceptions up to 45% - subsidy. A greener, cooler, cleaner and also just plain fun living environment for everyone within the area of Waterschap Aa en Maas.
The grant scheme was well established, but it was not yet widely used. Residents were not sufficiently familiar with the subsidy and therefore needed to be informed, but also inspired. After all, not every resident has the intention to develop green initiatives, but by offering a good subsidy and inspiring examples of initiatives, this intention can be created.
Online grant campaign
A good idea? We'll help you with that. Capital Advertising was called in and developed an appealing campaign concept. This consisted of various slogans with a catchy tone-of-voice, shaped in a design that incorporates elements of the distinctive brand identity of Waterschap Aa en Maas, yet is distinctive enough to stand out in advertisements and other campaign communications.
In the first phase of the online campaign, we focused on gardeners and district and village councils: target groups that can facilitate residents in developing green initiatives. Indeed, this phase placed great value on cooperation: green initiatives had to be set up together with another party to qualify for the subsidy.
The campaign concepts were translated into an online information flyer, display and social ads and e-mail designs. We prodded in the middle of both target groups using e-mail marketing, Google Advertising and LinkedIn Advertising.
Good business with green roofs
All campaign resources referred to one landing page with all the concrete information surrounding the subsidy and examples of green initiatives. By providing two call-to-actions - downloading the information flyer or applying directly for the subsidy - it was possible to distinguish those who wanted to request more information first and those who wanted to apply directly for the subsidy. In this way, the measurability of the online campaign was ensured.
With great results as a consequence. For instance, the various ads were shown over 3 million times, we received over 11,000 visits on the landing page and, the most important result, Waterschap Aa en Maas received almost 11 times as many applications in 2020 as in 2019 for the climate-proof measures subsidy.
And we didn't let the grass grow under our feet. The campaign was followed up in the following years. Now it is the residents' turn and LinkedIn Advertising is being replaced by Meta Advertising. With new advertisements, in which photography plays a major role, we inform and inspire residents about the subsidy scheme of Waterschap Aa en Maas. On to even better results!