Krachtig tweeluik creatieve concepten

New campaign powered
by AI

In more places in the market, growth is now determined more by success in personnel recruitment than by success in customer acquisition. In the specific niche labour market in which APNT operates, this principle applies even more strongly. Finding the right network specialists is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack, or to put it another way, for an astronaut in a supermarket.

All systems are go-1
Astronaut with popcorn in front of the TV
Astronaut sits on the floor by the washing machine

Boost your career
The 'A' in APNT stands for Apollo, so the association with the famous Apollo flights is easily made. Apollo 13 shouted the legendary words "Houston, we have a problem" and APNT actually shouted the same. So besides a new brand identity and professional website, Capital Advertising also developed the 'Boost your career' concept. In it, the specialists, symbolically represented as astronauts, are placed in everyday situations that contrast sharply with their extraordinary skills. Whether in the supermarket or at the washing machine, these experts seem to be way out of their element at the time.

The 'Boost your career' campaign calls on these networking specialists to boost their careers and apply to APNT, where they can let their professionalism flourish like a rocket shot into space. As the number of astronauts is limited, we chose to omit the traditional photo shoot. Instead, we deployed advanced AI technology to craft the imagery. This approach reflects the innovative spirit of APNT, which is equally advanced and state-of-the-art.

Make the leap
Besides 'Boost your career', Capital Advertising has developed another inspiring concept for job market communication: 'Make the leap'. This concept reflects the bold step professionals can take to take their careers to new heights, similar to a giant leap.

Although the move to another job may sometimes seem small, it can be a huge leap forward in one's career. 'Make the leap' invites ambitious individuals to take the leap and become part of an environment that is as driven and professional as they are. In the world of testing, automation and network monitoring, APNT sets the standard and that is exactly where these professionals can play a crucial role.

The campaign highlights the synergy between APNT and these experts and encourages them to make their mark with prestigious clients such as Shell, ING, Defence and the Department of Public Works. The famous quote "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" served as inspiration for the campaign, where the message is to make history yourself.

APNT constantly strives for the highest level of technological innovation. 'Make the leap' is an invitation to join them in pushing boundaries and making history in the world of network management and testing. This concept embodies the forward-thinking nature of APNT and their commitment to working with the best professionals to shape the future of network technology.

Powerful diptych
Combined with the 'Boost your career' concept, 'Make the leap' is a powerful diptych that vividly communicates APNT's values and mission. Together, they illustrate APNT's bold vision and commitment to support professionals in achieving remarkable career achievements while paving the way for new developments in the world of networking and testing.

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