The right content at the right time

How process specialist Ideo achieves success with marketing automation

Ideo can predict maintenance with Intelligent Asset Management. We also made marketing IAM predictable. Ideo is the market leader in improving service and maintenance processes in SAP. The company came up with something new, namely Intelligent Asset Management: the next step in improving maintenance processes. To successfully market this new SAP suite, Ideo engaged Capital Advertising. A challenge that called for a well-thought-out marketing plan with new processes. But how do you improve the processes of a process specialist?

iam future proof ideo
Results Ideo
I am here
Ideo's IAM suite responds to a need that many of its potential customers are not yet aware of. Key elements in the marketing strategy are therefore: recognisability, competence and trust. Capital Advertising developed a powerful concept for this campaign: I am here - with a nod to the abbreviation of Intelligent Asset Management. Together with catchy captions and striking images, the important elements of the marketing strategy were clearly expressed in all campaign communications.

The strategy
For this campaign, Ideo wanted to connect with both its existing 'cold' database and new potential clients. As the new IAM product involves a significant investment, the target group has to go through a long customer journey before moving from prospect to customer of Ideo. Here, we worked according to a proven process:

  • Attract
  • Convert
  • Close
  • Delight

In the first two phases, we played a key role as an agency. We focused on lead generation and lead nurturing.

Potential clients were directed to Ideo's website through valuable information on social media and within search engines. To boost lead generation, we used LinkedIn and Google advertising, e-mail marketing and inbound marketing.

To engage, enthuse and make sales qualified generated leads, it is important to feed them with information that is interesting and relevant to them: lead nurturing. But different audiences require different messages. That is why a team of copywriters and online marketers created a wide variety of blogs, landing pages and white papers aimed at the three sectors of infra, discrete manufacturing and process manufacturing.

Marketing automation
Because potential customers go through a long customer journey with several phases, we implemented the marketing automation tool HubSpot for Ideo. Among other things, this tooling provides insight into which communications the potential customer has been in contact with and makes a value assessment of the lead. Furthermore, follow-ups are automated: at the right time, you offer the right content to the right target group. This ensures that leads are nurtured according to the customer journey and also makes all the work manageable.

The results
Using specific targeting, employees of interesting companies were converted into leads. Not only the large number, but also the quality of these leads was remarkable. Maintenance professionals, asset managers, process, service and business engineers and supply chain specialists showed their interest in Ideo and its product. We prodded in the middle of the target group. And that during a short campaign period of just 3 months. A powerful concept, appealing marketing tools and a fully implemented marketing automation tool; Ideo can count on more customers in the future. In short, a satisfied client and agency.

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