Offline and online succes

Bold concept gives brand character and depth

In 2015, in the heart of 's-Hertogenbosch, our office was pleasantly surprised by an exciting opportunity. The prestigious Swiss watch brand TechnoMarine, shortly before acquired by the Invicta Watch Group in sunny Miami, approached us for a large-scale global relaunch. The challenge was clear: the brand needed a new identity and a powerful global campaign to present its unique vision and products to a demanding audience.

Large TechnoMarine ad on building
Woman lies by the water wearing a TechnoMarine watch
Large billboard from TechnoMarine Live Deeper
TechnoMarine Ibiza Hot Tub

TechnoMarine has always appealed to people who value quality, style and adventure. The watches are designed for those who can afford a high-end watch but embrace an active lifestyle. Think sporty watches that love to go on adventures with you, whether on the beach, during an intense fitness session, or a leisurely day of boating with friends. This sophisticated yet adventurous target audience was at the heart of our approach. 

‘Live Deeper’, a surprising concept
A fresh wind blew through our creative think tank and soon we presented TechnoMarine with the bold concept ‘Live Deeper’. Instead of traditional and over-posed watch photos, we wanted something different. Something that resonated with the adventurous nature of the target audience. With ‘Live Deeper’, we wanted to show that every TechnoMarine watch is a part of an exciting story. Instead of perfect symmetry, we opted for imperfection, for the reality of life. This translated into images of parties where too many champagne bottles were opened, make-up drained and photographic models with a slight hangover from a little too much booze and fun. The concept struck a chord with our client, as it offered a new approach that gave the brand character and depth. To capture this lifestyle perfectly, we chose Ibiza as the location for the shoot. This is where the story of the Live Deeper campaign began, where we captured in great detail how adventure and style can blend seamlessly.

With our concept approved, we went to work. With a modest team consisting of a photographer, assistant, videographer, stylist, make-up artist, drone pilot, cameraman, art director, producer and three models, we made our way to Ibiza, the ultimate party island. In and around our rented villa, we captured breathtaking images, which later formed the backbone of the global Live Deeper campaign.

The magic of Ibiza served as an inspiring backdrop for our creative vision. From sweltering sunsets on the beach to exuberant parties that dragged on into the early hours, we captured every moment. The results were stunning, with images that embraced the carefree spirit of TechnoMarine and took viewers on a journey full of adventure and style.

A global success, both offline and online
With the stunning images under our belt, we introduced the Live Deeper campaign in March 2016 at Baselworld, the world's largest watch and jewellery trade fair. It was a large-scale unveiling that caught the attention of professionals and watch enthusiasts from all over the world. TechnoMarine's watches were welcomed with open arms and sales skyrocketed.

But our commitment to TechnoMarine goes beyond the launch at Baselworld. We continue to play a crucial role in their online marketing efforts. Our agency supports TechnoMarine's e-commerce with creative design, web development, personalised mailings, effective marketing automation, social media management and targeted SEA campaigns.

The result? A strong online presence that helps TechnoMarine reach and engage customers while embracing the brand's unique lifestyle. Our partnership with TechnoMarine continues to flourish, with new challenges, projects and successes on the horizon. We are proud to be part of this story and look forward to having more adventures and reaching new heights.

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